Eligibility Code for Publication Memberships ONLY
The Eligibility Code outlines the standards that all publications shall meet to qualify for and maintain publication membership in the American Association of Dental Editors and Journalists (AADEJ).
The Eligibility Committee shall review the publications as submitted by the applicant and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding eligibility for membership. Periodic evaluation of member publications will be made to ensure compliance with the code.
The publications should be characterized by ethical and high professional standards and follow ADA journalism guidelines.
Publication Content:
a. The editorial content should include scientific and educational topics, association developments, and other types of news of interest to the dental profession.
b. Scientific articles should be supported by appropriate evidence and/or research, and not used for promoting products, techniques, or services advertised.
c. The advertising content should be controlled by an officially adopted advertising code. The code should establish guidelines for:
The acceptance for commercial advertising of only those products whose safety, efficacy, and therapeutic value has been demonstrated by scientific evidence.
The acceptance of classified advertising.
The eliminating or non-acceptance of false, misleading, or deceptive advertising.