Distinguished Dental Editor Award
Presented by:
The American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Communications joins with the American Association of Dental Editors & Journalists (AADEJ) to present the annual Distinguished Dental Editor Award. This award recognizes editors who have brought exceptional credit to their society, dental journalism, the dental profession, the ADA, and organized dentistry in general through the production of high-quality publications and superior leadership and example. The AADEJ, along with a representative of the ADA Council on Communications, will be responsible for the judging of this award.
All editors (including executive, associate, managing and contributing editors) are eligible, except current editors of national publications of the ADA – The Journal of the American Dental Association, JADA Foundational Science, ADA News, New Dentists News, Practice Update, Dental Practice Success, and The Huddles – who are ineligible because ADA joins with AADEJ to judge and present this award. Editors who have been retired for no more than two years may also be nominated so long as they were not editors of ADA national publications immediately prior to their retirement. (Note: this award is granted only in years when one or more nominees meet the award's high standards.)
The nominee's name and tenure as editor and the title of the publication edited by the nominee must be provided in a letter on society letterhead stationery and signed by the society's president and/or executive director. A statement of approximately 250 words should describe the nominee's qualifications and should include examples of actual performance and results. Publication content (including quality of writing, timeliness and interest of articles, editorials and commentaries), design, format, and other features will be considered, as will specific instances of editor leadership as it reflects on a publication, the dental society, the dental profession, and organized dentistry. Supporting materials, including the effects of the journalism practiced, must accompany the nomination in digital format only. Paper submissions cannot be accepted.
One copy of the nomination in digital format must be submitted.
Society volunteer leaders, members, executive directors, editorial staff, and other editors may make nominations. The nominators must provide their name, mailing address, and telephone number, along with the required signatures on the required letterhead, and the name and address of the editor nominated.
The winner will be presented with a custom, desktop, Acrylic Award at the AADEJ Annual Conference. Notice of the winner will also be made in appropriate ADA publications and the AADEJ Editors Newsletter.
Entries must be submitted to Denise Maihofer, Executive Director by Friday, May 10, 2025 to: information@aadej.org.

Distinguished Dental Editor Award
Carlo Quiñones, DMD, PhD, FRCDC
Editor of Ontario Dentist
Vice Dean and Director, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University