Code for Dental Editors
The first responsibility of the editor is to the readers.
The primary criterion for selecting content, format, and timing of publication should be to enable readers to better function in their roles.
Active steps should be taken to ensure that content is from reputable sources, factually accurate, balanced, and unbiased.
Label opinion as such, disclose potential conflicts, and identify sources.
Publish the mission of the journal and relevant disclaimers.
Make the publication as readable as possible through a style that is standardized for the publication and careful editing for grammar and clarity.
Correct errors when recognized.
Provide and opportunity for responsible alternative opinions.
Provide references and contact information so that interested readers can verify content and pursue further study.
The second responsibility of the editor, representing the professional community, is to authors.
Promote the dignity of the profession, all individuals, and all groups.
Publish regularly the standards for selection of content and format for submission of material.
Review submitted material in a fashion that is timely, confidential, constructive, and ensures consistency in the selection process.
Work to improve the skills of authors.
If peer reviewed, standards should be stated for selection of reviewers and the rules under which they operate, and efforts should be made to improve the skills of reviewers.
The third responsibility of the editor is to the organization publishing the journal. Never place the sponsoring organization in a legally questionable or intentionally embarrassing position.
The editor must have timely and complete access to policy, mission, and important emerging issues within the organization.
The organization should determine the selection and terms of employment of the editor.
Advertising must be in good taste and not false and misleading.
A policy on copyright ownership should be developed and communicated.
The fourth responsibility of the editor is to the community of editors.
The editor must conscientiously strive to remain informed of emerging trends in the fields and subjects covered in the publication.
The editor should receive training needed to perform duties assigned and should keep such skills current.
The editor should have final say over content of the publication.
The editor must seek advice of and be open to guidance from peers.
A policy covering republication and other use of published material should be published, and sharing of material, with proper acknowledgement, is encouraged where the profession benefits from this practice.
The editor should be above suspicion of party influence, conflict of interest, or personal agenda.
Work to improve the skills of authors.
If peer reviewed, standards should be stated for selection of reviewers and the rules under which they operate, and efforts should be made to improve the skills of reviewers.